How to clone your weed plants? | Groplanner Tips

Plant Cloning is fun. People have done this for thousands of years. Any seasoned, as well as new gardeners, should always at least clone plants once.

During the cloning and seedling stage, a plant's entire life is shaped. Grow lights are one of the most important aspects of your grow room, and thus growers should ensure clones and seedlings are being given ideal lighting during this early phase. Professional growers generally utilize a separate lighting system for cloning, vegetating, and flowering, to ensure optimal lighting conditions for each phase. In this post, We will introduce cannabis cloning and how to use Groplanner grow lights for your cannabis cloning.

What is a cannabis “clone?”

Cloning cannabis is the process of making a smaller copy of a specific cannabis plant. Basically, a clone is a little piece of plant that has been cut off (a “cutting”) from a parent plant and then given the opportunity to make roots of its own. Cannabis clones are cuttings from the same marijuana plant – these cuttings make roots of their own and grow into an identical plant as the “mother!” Each cannabis clone has the same genes and is a genetic copy of its mother. That means if the mother of the clone is a female, you are guaranteed that all the clones taken from that cannabis plant will be female, too.

What’s Great About Growing Cannabis Clones?

● A clone is an exact copy of a specific cannabis plant, which means clones share the same genes and will grow very similar to each other and their mother plant

You know a lot about a cannabis clone already since you know what their parent plant was like. While there’s a lot of variation between plants grown from seed, even if they’re the same strain, with clones you’ll have inside information on how the clone will grow, what yields to expect, and the bud potency (plus other characteristics that can vary in a strain like bud color, smell, etc)

● You can easily take many clones at once from a single cannabis plant, for dozens of brand new plants that will be available in about a week

● Low cost – besides cloning supplies (which can be as simple as scissors and a glass of water), making clones is basically free

● You can take clone at most points of a cannabis plant’s life – although clones may root a little faster in the vegetative stage, you can take clones up until 2-3 weeks before harvest in order to save your favorite plant for the next grow (though make sure to pinch off any buds and expect some weird looking growth for the first week or two on cannabis clones taken from flowering plants)

● Clones get a head-start compared to seedlings – Unlike a seedling, each clone is the same “age” as the parent and therefore is completely mature. As a result, clones grow much faster in the first few weeks compared to seed-grown plants, especially for a larger clone. A newly rooted clone will grow faster than a similarly sized plant grown from seed!

What is Needed to Clone Cannabis?


Cloning cannabis is surprisingly simple but a few tools are needed to get the job done. These include:

● A “mother” plant to get your clones from

● Sharp plant shears or a razor

● Rockwool or root cubes, somewhere to put the rooting plants

● Cloning/rooting hormone

● LED grow light

How To Take a Cannabis Clone?


Before anything, clean and disinfect all your tools, and get everything ready, including setting out everything mentioned in the “What is Needed to Clone Cannabis” section.With gloves, as infection can occur on the exposed sections of the trimming. Take clones from “mother” cannabis plants – if the leaves are alternating (not connecting at the exact same part of the stem) the plant is ready to clone. Here’s an example of a marijuana stem with alternating leaves/nodes, perfect for cloning. Soak your starter cubes for a couple of minutes in the water. You don’t need to soak them for days, a few minutes is fine. Choose a spot where there is new branching and a new top, and cut a little bit below that. Just firmly grab the new growth and cut the branch away at a 45-degree angle. New cuttings should be 5-8 inches (10-20 cm) long. 


When possible, take clones from vigorous growth tips from the lower half of your plant, as they have more rooting hormones than branches toward the top and will grow roots faster. However, clones taken from any part of the plant will work as long as they have a nice growth tip at the end. Basically, you just want to cut away a small part of the plant. The roots will grow out of the “cut” you made, and the rest of the cutting will start growing into an individual plant. Trim off any huge lower leaves or node points from the new cutting and clip the top fan leaves if they’re big. Clipping the leaves helps prevent the weed clone from “over-exerting” itself trying to turn light into food, when the plant should be focused on roots. You can take cannabis clones using just plain water, and your cuttings will make roots just sitting in the water that way. Some growers use rooting hormones and other cloning products to help the plant root faster. Make sure you coat the entire bottom of the cutting, so that all the parts of the clone that get put into your starter cube is covered in gel. Place the new clone into a moistened starter cube, and press around the bottom to make sure everything is sealed and no air can get to the rooting area.

When you recreate the right conditions, you don’t need a cloner or humidity dome, yet these types of devices make successful cloning and root growth happen practically by itself.

How To Nurture Your New Clones

Clones like warm, wet conditions.Your clones need to get their water through their leaves right now because their roots haven’t formed. A little warmer than room temperature 72-77 °F (22-25 °C ) is perfect. Many automatic cloners come with a heat setting. Some growers don’t use any grow lights at all for the first 1-2 days while clones get settled. Other growers do give light right from the beginning. It’s common to leave new clones in a warm, bright area for the first day or two. The following table is the recommended best grow light settings for your clone.


Modle of light


Total PPFD


Recommend PPFD 




Hanging height


Groplanner I Series 640W










Groplanner O+ Series 150W










Leave your grow lights on an 18/6 (Light/Dark) for your new clones. Don’t give new clones 24 hours of light, without any dark periods. This can slow down the rooting process. Rooting seems to happen best when there’s some amount of darkness each day.  The most important thing is to keep a close eye on your new clones until they’ve become well-established.


How To Light Your Cloning Plant

For the first 10 days and especially for the first 3-4 days, you don’t need to use full-strength light on your new clones. You can dim the light according to this grow light table. Clones want light from the beginning, but as they are focusing on making roots they don’t want a whole lot since they aren’t as strong as rooted plants! Led grow lights like Groplanner Oseries or Groplanner I series can work well for clones but need to be kept 14'' away from new clones so they don’t get burn. If you do start with 100% lights, treat your cuttings like seedlings until your clones have formed strong roots. For example, LED grow light is good at least 30 inches away from the top of your clones while they’re rooting.

How To Transplantate Your New Plants

After 1-2 weeks, small white roots should be beginning to unspool their way out from the bottom of the trimming. Once the roots are about an inch or two long, it’s time to transplant them into a growing medium. Carefully prepare the soil ahead of time for the clones. Make sure it is pre-watered, as to not cause movement once they are placed, and gently place the rooting clones into a hole about 1-2 inches deep. Shock can occur here, as they are still quite sensitive, so no nutrients yet and be sure to keep things as sterile as possible. After they have acclimated, another week or so, then they can be treated like a regular plant.

Cloning is a great way to extend a crop long into the future and to keep excellent genetics alive and part of future generations. This, of course, isn’t the only way to propagate a crop. Interbreeding male and female plants are a perfectly valid way to keep a crop going, as long as healthy candidates are chosen from both sides.

Still, for consistency’s sake, cloning is hard to beat. Click Here and Clone Your Cannabis with Groplanner LED Grow Light




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